Work with Kelley


Editing services, workshops and more

Sometimes we need to see our stories with fresh eyes and our careers with new inspiration. If you’ve read one of Kelley’s books or heard her on a podcast, and you’re looking for the next step in your writing journey, then you’ll know if she’s the right match for you.

Kelley is currently offering editing and mentorship services to a limited number of clients at various stages in the writing career. Additionally, a workshop is coming soon! If interested, please submit the following form to receive information and pricing.


what others are saying

There are loads of creativity and writing coaches, but this was very different. This was about discovering the core of my story to find my voice. After working with Kelley, I thought, ‘Yes! I can do this! ’ She helped me not only with the practical and creative elements of my writing, but guided me toward listening to my intuition. A rare combination.”
— Jennifer W.
Batman needed Robin, Kirk needed Spock—if you’re an emerging writer, you need Kelley McNeil! Her keen objective eye and constructive suggestions will enhance your strengths and coach you through the tough spots that slow down your work. Not only that—she’s an experienced author who knows her way around publishing, so her advice was invaluable. All this packaged in a genuinely kind person who listens as much as she speaks.
— Clare L.
It felt like magic. I started working with Kelley to get writing advice and her thoughts on how to best pursue publishing. But what I ended up with was this and so much more.
— Gabriela S.